10 definitions by Legit-PWD

A "Lazy Cart" is a Manual Wheelchair, or a Power Wheelchair, or a 3 or 4 wheel Electric Handicapped Scooter. There are certain Non-Disabled Persons (Non-PWDs) that are capable of walking and of average weight and they are too lazy to walk. These Non-Disabled Persons (Non-PWDs) will use the store "Lazy Cart" to ride around in the store to shop and/or to have fun goofing off in the "Lazy Cart" while being in the store or in the store parking lot or elsewhere like the public library and etc.
The Non-Disabled Person (Non-PWD) decided to kill time by goofing off while riding the store "Lazy Cart" which resulted in the Non-Disabled Person (Non-PWD) being told by store security guards to get off of the "lazy cart" and to walk out of the store.

Two Non-Disabled Persons (Non-PWDs) were using the store "Lazy Cart" to race in the store parking lot.
by Legit-PWD February 4, 2011
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"PWD" is the acronym for Person With Disabilities and is commonly used within the Disability Community.
The local "PWD" Community is working on having a Disability Pride parade in their city.

The "PWD" was angry because they could not find a Handicapped Parking Space to park in.

The "PWD" was riding a Handicapped scooter in the mall.
by Legit-PWD January 19, 2011
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"Non-PWD" means a Person Without Disabilities or a Non-Disabled Person.
The "Non-PWD" got a parking ticket for parking in a Handicapped Parking Space.

The "Non-PWD" faked their Disability in order to ride the Handicapped Scooter in the store.

The "Non-PWD" pretended to be a Disabled person in order to try to draw Disability benefits.

A group of PWDs called the "Non-PWD" the term of Outsider because the "Non-PWD" did not know what it was like to live with a Disability.
by Legit-PWD January 21, 2011
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