4 definitions by Le Buck

A Die-Feed is what is used to describe the hunger you get after a night out drinking with Family/friends in the local pub/bar. A typical Die-Feed consists of a kabab, pizza or chips/fries.

Ordering a Chinese takeaway as a Die-Feed is considered unholy but if eaten without vomiting, said person gains legendary status among his peers.
I’m going for the Die-Feed, anyone else coming?
by Le Buck December 2, 2019
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Jungle juice consists of all the liquids that you find in your fridge. You take a small serving of each liquid you find in your fridge and mix in a cup and drink.
My friend and I each had a jungle juice and he got sick first.
by Le Buck December 2, 2019
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The complete opposite of an iron-stomach. Snake-Bite occurs when a cocky young man mixes vodka and cider, gets sick everywhere and passes out and has to be cared for by someone sober for the rest of the night, more often them not ruining the night
Tom got snake-bite and was left in a bush
by Le Buck December 2, 2019
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When someone mixes vodka and cider and proceeds to drink it.
Tim over there has a iron-stomach after mixing vodka and cider and drinking it.
by Le Buck December 2, 2019
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