4 definitions by Larry the librarian

Drain Dread is the fear that your device will ripen out of power during conference proceedings
OMG my battery is only at 56% I'm suffering drain dread
by Larry the librarian June 10, 2014
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Boomer juice

The line of cocaine a boomer uses to get out the door for a party or event.
'I'm ready to go to the Queen concert, I'll just grab a line of boomer juice'
by Larry the librarian February 16, 2020
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Opinion and comment from MSM insiders who live and work in the artificial environments of Canberra, Washington, Westminster etc. and who feel that their commentary speaks for the general population
Don’t you feel that the Insiders brand is tainted - it’s just bubblepinion
by Larry the librarian March 3, 2018
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Old buggers who wear red sneakers and think they’re gangsta
Today I am wearing red shoes which I believe give me an boomer eshay aesthetic
by Larry the librarian June 11, 2023
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