9 definitions by Larry Sanders

Slang. A term indicating an abnormally large penis.
"Get some last night?"
"Hell no. It's like she has a lock on her box."
"That's 'cause you're sportin' that cocktail frank. What you need is a panty key, Bro."
by Larry Sanders December 14, 2004
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A rare tropical flower of the genus, anus stinkypinkyus. It is noted for its delicate petals, slender stem, and, of course, for its ability to blow out a vile green cloud that could bring a sewer worker to his knees. Two varieties have been discovered: (1) Red 'n Angry, whose smell has been likened to a three-day-old meatloaf left in the sun, and (2) Yellow Oozing, whose aroma is remarkably similar to a Mexican toilet.
Phil passed out, has been sleeping all night in his own filth, and smells like a fart blossom.
by Larry Sanders December 14, 2004
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