5 definitions by Lao

A girl that is perfect and her smile, her eyes, everything about her is just amazing. She's such a great person, loving, loyal, kind, and beautiful. Anyone would be dumb enough to let such an amazing and beautiful person go.
Amanda W is perfect
by Lao May 6, 2019
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phobia meaning fear or fear of. phag, like phone, pronounced ph as 'f' is fear of gay people. see: homophobe, faggot
fags are non-phagobic
by Lao March 12, 2005
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Someone that’s perfect
She’s an Amanda.
by Lao May 6, 2019
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The most annoying cartoon character ever made in the history of human existance. A talking shark/drummer.
Jabber Jaw is a mother fucking queer bait.
by Lao March 29, 2005
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1. A slimy rat that's dumb enough to go out during the light of day.

2. A day vampires. Hookers hanging out around the pool at 7 AM.
by Lao November 23, 2004
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