2 definitions by LandStalker

Time and Tide waits for no man. A familiar saying from the days of sailing ships when tides determined departure times. Supposedly a quote as early as the 14th century. Basically means if you've got something important to do, don't procrastinate, because neither time nor tide will wait for you.
Man 1 : We have to wake up early tomorrow for fishing

Man 2 : Why do we have to wake up so early?

Man 1 : By Ebb and flow! The largest fish hang around in the mornings
by LandStalker October 14, 2007
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adjective, very excited about something new causing mass online research
"they were clickcited about the project"
"I got a bit clickcited on that website, ended up wasting hours"
by LandStalker March 31, 2015
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