2 definitions by LOLSPOOPYTIME

When someone goes on and on about something so quickly and loudly that they prevent interruption
Joey: "Sometimes he just talks and talks and I can't even get the time to tell him to shut it"
Maria: "Yeah he does ramble like a dentist"
by LOLSPOOPYTIME October 22, 2018
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Treasure this beautiful, unique, kind girl. You should NEVER let her go. Willow has a smile to light up a darkened room. If you are lucky enough to make her truly smile you will see her precious dimples. She has long cascading brown hair and large dark blue eyes that can look into your soul. How her musical laugh permeates the chapel (our secret hangout) makes every bad thing that has happened to me wash away. She is the smartest girl I know but she is always pushing herself to be better. Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to have this amazing creature as my friend... She is the reason I make it through every day at a Catholic school............................I love you Willow
everyone: "Are you friends with Willow?"
me: "Yes"
everyone: "She is soooo awesome"
me: "I know"

Cue weird random example sentence ;P
by LOLSPOOPYTIME October 13, 2018
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