3 definitions by Kyaa!

To wipe out all information, including work and harmfull file types, and restore your pc to its original condition in which you very first brought it and opened it.
Gekotec: I reformatted my pc. It had so much virus and spyware on it, i just had to wipe it clean. Dude, it runs so fast now.

SloppyJoe: Yea man, my computer needs some reformatting.

Janice: You can do that? I just brought a new pc. 5% off!!!

SloppyJoe/Gekotec: Oh, Boy.
by Kyaa! July 30, 2006
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A patch is usually intended to modify an executable file to improve it.
A patch is obviously a digitalized file which has been programmed to take out programming faultys and errors and replace them with a correct line of code.
A patch can be written by any programmer with a open source executable file (that they wish to modify). Patches can also be written by programmers to convert trial softwares to full version softwares, this includes games. The word for adding patches to executable files to modify it illegally is called, when spoken by someone "patched". Look below
Gekotec: I patched my trial version game; Call Of Duty
Janice: Really? I played Call of Duty the other day and had to download a patch to improve my online gameplay expirience. But first i bought the game! 10% off!!
Gekotec: Oh, boy.
by Kyaa! July 30, 2006
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Crack has two definitions (that you want to know about:-). The first definition of Crack is the drug, which puts our body and mind into an emotional high. When the drugs wear off the crack then puts our bodies into a negative emotion, therefore making the stoner want more.

The second definition of a crack is a specialized software or patch that modifies another software (or game, etc) so it can perform illegal functions that is not allowed or prohibited by the rightful publisher. A crack/patch can modify a trial version game and convert it to the actually full game. Any programmers who develop cracks and give them to the public can programme a crack to extend or unlock a executable file without having to buy it.
SloppyJoe: I downloaded trial version of CSS dude, and cracked it.

Janice: OMG, i bought it the other day.

SloppyJoe: sux0r.
by Kyaa! July 30, 2006
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