9 definitions by Klaatu_347

This is a tough one. Not calling you a fuckER. Not saying you are a DUMB-fuck. What am I saying? Am I calling you "an act of sex"? ... hmm...no

Maybe it depends on how it is said.

Therefore the term if only defined by the connotation~!
one buddy yells to the other: "YOU ARE A FUCK~!~!"
...........negative connotation.

girlfriend says to lover in soft, sexy voice: "you are a fuck"
...........positive connotation
by Klaatu_347 October 17, 2007
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A different way of calling somebody a Fucker.
Hey there you FukAAr .... what the fuck is going on?

Go ask Mr FukAAR over there...he knows every fucking thing.

That Fuckaar is a bas ass for sure.
by Klaatu_347 March 21, 2008
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A different way of calling somebody a Fucker.
Hey there you FukAAr .... what the fuck is going on?

Go ask Mr FukAAR over there...he knows every fucking thing.

That Fuckaar is a bad ass for sure.
by Klaatu_347 March 21, 2008
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We all know what a brain fart is, right?

Well, then just use your imagination!
Did you see that? She just had a brain queef!
by Klaatu_347 April 26, 2007
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Instead of playing something by EAR .... play it by nose.

Go ahead and try it sometime, fucker.
You: When we get there we are going to have to decide which way to go.

Me: Well I guess we'll play it by nose then.
by Klaatu_347 October 23, 2008
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One more than a catch-22. A highly unusual catch-22. I have said "Catch-23" MANY times and NO ONE catches it ...all they hear is Catch-22
((He found himself between a rock and a hard place)) I'm in a Catch-23 situation.
by Klaatu_347 August 25, 2008
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a sub forum on a message board for ABC's tv show LOST.
The Gens are really picking on the peeps over in PLOTland. Little do they know how much the plotties RULE~!
by Klaatu_347 August 21, 2008
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