6 definitions by Kira Bailey


n. To mess somebody up in a fight
"That kid just got ceerched"
by Kira Bailey May 9, 2022
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n. To mess somebody up in a fight
n. To make a Google search
"That kid just got ceerched"
"Let me ceerch it up"
by Kira Bailey May 9, 2022
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Ahmed Baba de maiz

When you Baba hard but your Baba isn't Babing (may also contain corn).
I could really go for some Ahmed Baba de maiz right now.
by Kira Bailey May 18, 2022
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Large Shaquille

"Hey, is that Big Shaq?"

"No, that's Large Shaquille. He's hot and he DO dance."
by Kira Bailey May 27, 2022
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Harvard Guy

A super smart old person; probably a genius.
That guy reads 10 days a week, must be a Harvard Guy.
by Kira Bailey May 23, 2022
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