3 definitions by KingRob

Essentially a smelly cunt with lots of crumbs that are forming a biscuit.
"Awwww I've got an itchy cunt" "ahhh got a problem with fadge biscuits again huh?"
by KingRob October 15, 2008
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Used to describe a group of inept neanderthals who achieve results worse than if they had done nothing at all.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the UK Government encouraged people to eat out, go to work and behave as normal, and then were at a loss and had absolutely no plan when cases surged. The UK Government is full of Incompicunts.
by KingRob September 9, 2020
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The personal Interface one has as a user for the Interface they are using.
I like the Userface I get on my phone.
by KingRob December 15, 2008
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