15 definitions by King Kong

Any phrase or changing of a word or object in the southern USA.
Ain't is a southernism or "Is not" or "isn't."
by King Kong December 22, 2003
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1. The name of Ben Stiller's Character in the movie "Meet the parents"
2. Slang for "Hey you, homo"
Me: "Hey, dude, DUDE...Gaylord Focker!!!"
you: Dederp???
by King Kong December 16, 2003
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The old crazy white dude that was waving a gun at me from his car. What a jack hole.
The old cracker ass cracker better be lucky I didnt have a bigger gun.
by King Kong December 16, 2003
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Cunt gunge emmitted at high velocity
S Hetherton spladged all over the walls
by King Kong December 2, 2004
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1. Lets make sure to caulk that there jrrrrnt so it aint gonna leak.
2. Hey bubba, yawnna smoke a jrrrrnt?
by King Kong December 16, 2003
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The act of pulling out of vaginal intercourse and engaging in imprumptu and brief anal intercourse and yelling "Surprise!!!"
Tom was getting it on with sue when he suddenly pulled out, shoved it in her a$$ and yelled "Surprise!!!" He never saw sue again.
by King Kong June 19, 2003
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