2 definitions by Kinda_derpy_kinda_nooby

SJW AKA "Social Justice Warrior" used to be a positive title but is now more of a thing you would mockingly call someone who isn't actually as great as the title would suggest.

SJW's are usually seen as annoying, Probably white, egotistical, and idiotic people who get offended by every little thing and just absolutely love things like cancel culture using it to try and smite anyone that stands in they're way, until someone way bigger and intelligent then them shuts 'em down.
Haha that SJW is making a big deal out of nothing!
by Kinda_derpy_kinda_nooby July 31, 2021
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Sjw's aka "social justice warriors" are people who act like it's their job to basically just get upset over the slightest things defend every minority even if the situation isn't actually that bad as well as usually hating on white people for no reason (even though they're probably white with blonde hair but don't need to be) and are usually just seen as annoying and idiotic(this is basically how the internet seems to define them even if there is no actual definition right now it is how most people seem to see sjw's).
Hey this crazy "sjw" just called me racist when I didn't even do or say anything that could even be remotely racist?

Hey this "sjw" saying they're an advocate for (insert stupid concept to pander to people here) started attacking and trying to cancel me what do I do?
by Kinda_derpy_kinda_nooby July 30, 2021
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