2 definitions by Kayls Colgate

Term for a person so obsessed with country singer Taylor Swift that he/she picks up everything that has to do with her (i.e. CDs, posters, clothing), like a Swiffer Sweeper does dirt.
"Wow, Emily is such a Taylor Swiffer. She just plunked down two hundred for a cardboard cutout of Taylor."
by Kayls Colgate October 30, 2009
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A large hickey given by a redneck or person of Applachian descent. May include tobacco stains and/or teeth marks due to dental unevenness. Often occurs at NASCAR parties and in the cow tent at county fairs.
"Hey Steph, what happened with you and that guy from the milking station?"
"Umm, I'm not taking my scarf off."
"Oh, a hick-y."
by Kayls Colgate October 30, 2009
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