11 definitions by Katsu

(noun) A version of English that consists chiefly of various designer brand names, and a gratuitous usage of the word "fabulous." Spoken by effeminate man-boys, often through a lisp.
Wouldn't it be fabulouth if Gucci made diamond dildoth?
by Katsu March 1, 2005
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To add to the definition above, the song title is an allusion to Nazi Germany's WWII slogan, "Deutschland Uber Alles"--"Germany Over Everything." So California Uber Alles translates into "California Over Everything"
Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big Bro' on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay

California! Uber alles!
Uber alles! California!

Now It Is 1984....
by Katsu May 14, 2005
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When used in the manner to denigrate, it is a superficial umbrella statement asserted against youths between the 13-19 age bracket. The word's negative connotations stem from the actions of the minority of adolescents who typically display qualities and proclivities that can be construed as unappreciative, lame and otherwise emo. While these behaviors only account for a small percentage of the group, the majority of the demographic demonstrates responsibility by involving themselves with extracurricular activities and organizations, striving for academic excellence, holding a job, performing chores, volunteering their time and services to charitable causes, AND coming home in time for curfew.

Fellow teenagers who demonstrate ageism toward their own peers are generally anti-social, bandwagon-jumping slapwads who try too hard to appear edgy and enlightened, thus categorizing them with other lameass individuals of their age bracket; this behavior can only be encapsulated with the term "teenager," by their defintion.
No, not all teenagers are drug toking, binge drinking, baby making chimpanzees from hell. However, if you do insist on exercising your right to be a misanthropist, the moral of this definition is to hate the individual, or the subculture, and not the entire group.
by Katsu April 30, 2005
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Samurai of great Gung-Fu
Literal translation not available
stands for Bushido
Katsushiro will not stand for injustice
by Katsu August 2, 2004
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