2 definitions by K.O.T.W.

A particulary unpleasant fart that is completely unexpected by the party being surprised; usually in a setting that is not fart-friendly.
Sitting in church with my friend, I released a silent fart that packed a horrendous odor. I wispered to him that he had been muffin surprised. He was outraged and relocated to another pew.
by K.O.T.W. April 19, 2010
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The result of hastily extracting a dildo from a partner's anus and accidentally lathering the ball sack with residual fecal matter.
My girlfriend was about to climax so I got nervous and pulled the dildo out of her asshole, resulting in a dildo sack pie. I had to wash my balls for an hour.
by K.O.T.W. April 16, 2010
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