3 definitions by Just a rock’n’roll clown

The act of recruiting several people to violently and relentlessly take massive dumps all over Randal Baisden’s yard and porch
(1)“Hey man did you see Randal what a red headed asshole we should get a few people together and have a ginger dump in his yard
(2)”if you don’t join in on the ginger dump your probably a cop or a secret ginger and America hates you -george washington
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The act of covering your dick in hot sauce, horse radish, and toe nail clippings then dunk it in dirty toilet water dry with old gym socks before placing it between two buns
“It may have taken a little longer but the extra steps are definitely worth it to give her that fresh nasty patty
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The act of anal penetration with an unwashed member, plug, dildo, or otherwise insertable object after having had it inside another persons filthy unwashed ass.
(1) I can’t believe he gave me a swamp plug on the first date and never called me!!

I don’t even know what to do with his dirty but plug!!
(2) dad I can’t believe you gave mom a swamp plug on Christmas how did you even get anal from aunt Helena she’s been dead for years
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