2 definitions by Juliet November

The most amazing form of life. Once one encounters a Barry, that person's perception of life will change drastically. The weather in the world will forever be changed. Once you go Barry, you won't go back.
Man, our meteorology professor is very barry amazing.
by Juliet November December 9, 2011
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The cheapest form of life on earth. This usually occurs when a person becomes extremely excited when airfare drops by one dollar. Another is that this form of life must always be right and has power to make something that is wrong to be right. They believe that everyone and everything is against them. Also, this person may also seem to contradict themselves by saying they need something and don't have money for it while buying something they want that is more expensive.
Don't be such a tesla, this flight is a dollar more and gets you there twelve hours earlier.
Tesla, didn't you say you need a new laptop? Why did you buy a PS3?
by Juliet November December 9, 2011
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