1 definition by Julia Whiting

(Pronounced 'Goonter') An amusing person who enjoys eating - particularly chocolate - and you can quite easily imagine wearing lederhosen and saying 'oh ja!' a lot with a German accent. Although typically these people should be young boys with blonde hair and a plump build, the joke is also merry if you refer to a friend or foe who happens to be looking especially dorky at that moment or eating something with altogether too much tenacity...
(an important and sexy character in the simpsons cast :P)

'haha! you're such a GUNTHER!!'

'Omg he looks like gunther!'

'omg i felt like such a Gunther - two galaxy bars and an oreo snack pack - dear gott in himmel..nein, nein, nein...'
by Julia Whiting April 9, 2008
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