8 definitions by JuT

One who hunts a jig. if there is ever a victor and loser, hunter and prey there is a jig hunter and a jig. the one in control si the hunter.
I am about to Win the game. I am the jig hunter and my opponent is the jig. He somehow manages to turn the tables, and the jig hunter becomes the jig hunted. I am the jig and now he is the jig hunter.
by JuT October 21, 2003
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Salim produces a lot of leehad for Jess to swallow after she gives him his daily blowjob.
by JuT May 2, 2004
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When a chick's nipple is so huge it covers her entire tit, like a big ol' slice of bologna.
Dseeamn cunt, you gotta gimme some fuckin bread and mayo before i suck on your big ass bologna nipples!
by JuT March 11, 2003
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One who is hunted by a Jig Hunter. If there is ever a victor and loser, hunter and prey there is a jig hunter and a jig. The victim is the jig.
I am playing a game and my opponent is winning. He is the jig hunter and I am the Jig. I somehow manage to turn the tables, and the jig hunter becomes to jig hunted. I am now the Jig Hunter and he is the Jig.
by JuT October 21, 2003
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To affiliate with someone whom engages in the act of sexual intercourse frequently.
Dude Garrett is such a sexmobile now that he hangs out with Amanda Lunny
by JuT May 3, 2004
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by JuT October 21, 2003
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meaning one hot man....or a boy with a huge wang that girls hang on constantly
That Clauser guy is sooo cute!
by JuT December 6, 2004
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