1 definition by Jonothan porter

The most creative and charming of all the signs. libra may be very insecure but refuses to show it. Libra gets along with aries,saggitarius,Aquarius,leo and Gemini.Best avoided would be virgo capricorn,cancer and piscies.these individuals are very indecisive so they constantly need someones help while making a decision. Libra has a love for love,art,clothes, and passion. Libra sees every side of an argument but, refuses to lose one. Even when they know they are right they will let you go on and make you look dumb. Libras ruler is venus wich is ruler of sex, love,money, fertility,and prostitution. When libras are quiet it is best to leave them alone because you won't ever know what there next move is. When a libra is thinking they are thinking about how to get what they want and the best plan possible to get it. Libras may find themselves flirting alot wich can lead to bad relationships. Do not make a libra bored because he will find someone or something else to do. Libras are always thinking of whats next and has no time for childish people all tho they maybe very immature at times. They can make anyone laugh and are known for there clumsy nature. Libra can stand out in a crowd of anything so you can tell when a libra is in the room. Asap rocky, marshall mathers, Zac Efron, snoop dog, and many more are libras are you a libra?
Oh your a libra i figured
by Jonothan porter November 17, 2019
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