4 definitions by JonnyBGood

.A peggle is a man who gives off the impression that he is slightly queer and flirts with girls at any opportunity in a girlish manner.
.Did you see Gerald talking to those girls? Think he's gay? Or is he just a peggle?
by JonnyBGood October 29, 2004
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That girl you know that's a bit of a slut but has a heart of gold and is really loyal. She may be slightly emotional but she loves you no matter who you are.
Jenny is so nice, even if she's on to her fifth boyfriend this month.
by JonnyBGood June 24, 2017
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That girl you know that's a bit of a slut but has a heart of gold and is really loyal. She may be slightly emotional but she loves you no matter who you are.
Jenny is so nice, even if she's on to her fifth boyfriend this month.
by JonnyBGood June 24, 2017
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A name given to a boy by a girl, usually because he his the dominating male figure in her life. Commonly used while having sex
by JonnyBGood June 24, 2017
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