1 definition by JohnJohn_John

Lennons are beautiful people both inside and out. Lennons are usually handsome, shy young guys with many hidden talents. Typically, Lennons have exotic green eyes, curly brown hair, a semi-muscular figure, and an average height, giving them no shortage of female attention. Women are also very intrigued by Lennons view on life and the way he serenades with his handmade guitar. Lennons can usually be found trekking the alpines, surfing the gold coast, frolicking in nature, or playing a pick up soccer game. Lennons musical vocabulary is endless so do not try to find a song/band that he does not already know. Ask Lennon a question once in a while to have your mind completely blown and your eyes opened to the fabrics of life itself.
Woah! Those lyrics are seriously deep... Must be written by a Lennon!
by JohnJohn_John June 29, 2016
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