2 definitions by John Dow

When 5 men get in a line and have gay sex with each other, the second one always has the best time because he is being done up the butt while doing the sweaty man in front of him and fondling his balls, which no one else in the line except number 2 is able to do.
"Hey Jim, Bob, Mr. Lui, Brad, and Ricky it looks like your getting a Lui line on. Mr. Lui it seems like you have the best spot."
by John Dow February 4, 2007
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(Boibland) A nerd or geek of the male persuasion with a backward mind and a tendency to dribble on himself.
These simple creatures are rarely seen in public due to their inability to stop drooling down their shirts.
It is commonly believed that the boybland state of mind comes about after prolonged periods of time spent on one's own having little or no contact with the outside world.
Hey look, there goes that boybland. Haven't seen him around for years.
Check out the snail trail left by that boybland over there.
by John Dow October 14, 2007
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