4 definitions by JoeyD-PSC

When a group of colleagues or friends are hanging out in the vicinity of a bathroom and another friend comes in, uses said bathroom and drops some deuces then leaves without hanging out. Shit and run.
Andres came to SIS, made a stinky, then bounced. Andres committed 20 Thousand Poo.
by JoeyD-PSC February 8, 2020
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The unfortunate cause and effect scenario that occurs to a person's eye or eye area as a result of a past deviant act of performing carnal knowledge to someone's eye socket.
George had a past sexual indiscretion with someone’s eye socket. Years later, eye karma visited George when during a rifle shoot, a shell casing tumbled perfectly and wedged between his safety glasses and his eye lid. His eye lid was seared. Poor George.
by JoeyD-PSC June 17, 2019
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Some crazy dude drove up next to Joey and 4C’d him in the parking lot.
by JoeyD-PSC February 8, 2020
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Sudden severe confusion that occurs in one's brain when someone has to shit very badly and access to a bathroom feels unattainable. Someone with shit delirium may do unexplainable things.
George had to shit like there was no tomorrow. He was up to his eyeballs in shit. He displayed shit delirium when he inexplicably tried to unlock an unrelated lock that went nowhere when the bathroom was only a few steps away.
by JoeyD-PSC November 18, 2010
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