1 definition by Joey-Joe-Joeson

Worst and most expensive mp3 player on the market, sold to the brainwashed public with phony ads. Comes with free DRM, self-destruct software, and will give you arthritis if you keep scrolling through your songs with it. It automatically encrypts your songs once you put them onto your ipod so you can’t dump them onto a friend’s computer without hacks, or wasting a week re-naming tracks. Also has the most soulless interface ever, you can’t even set backgrounds- You do get to be like every other loser with an ipod though with your plane white background. It has midway audio quality and god awful battery life, and doesn’t support some of the most commonly used formats. The only good ipod, is a hacked ipod- but its still a crappy ipod.
Ipod Guy: Hey I just bought a 200 dollar 1gb ipod mini

Cool Guy: Umm… I just bought a 40 dollar 2gb micro SD card, for my phone.
by Joey-Joe-Joeson September 22, 2007
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