2 definitions by Joey Gotts!

Literally, Man of God in Austrian. The same in German with this spelling "Gottesmann"
That rabbi is a Gottesman...
by Joey Gotts! November 6, 2007
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A school in Honolulu that prepares kids to be pretentious. Punahou encourages courses like: Name dropping 101, How can I spend my parents fortune, A sense of entitlement 500 and Modern Dance for athletes.
Some of the social ingrates graduating from this infamous school have broken the curse. Few and far between these students have been known to actually get a job that was deserved instead of the usual nepotism involved in everyday Punahou life.
I'd love for my child to go to Punahou but I don't want them to end up with poor social skills and a sense of entitlement.
by Joey Gotts! November 6, 2007
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