9 definitions by JnglKng

A term used to describe a really white guy. The kind of white that makes you grab your shades because it hurts your to look directly at their bare beer belly. Although an Albino Viking isn't necessarily a true albino, nor does he have to be of Nordic descent, he is typically one who gets very little sun and is generally geneticly predisposed to nonpigmentation.
Damn, Al Morgenstern is a raging Albino Viking. I mean, 10 minutes in the sun and he looks like the photographic negative of Timmy D.
by JnglKng April 14, 2005
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1. A feeling of superiority or greatness.|| A winner.
Monkey Hung
"Dude, that's a bummer that Craig drew the short straw, but I am full blown Trophy Hung!"
by JnglKng April 15, 2005
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