1 definition by JmoneyIsDaBest

Someone who is transtoed, has toes that identify as fingers.

People who are double transtoed have the toes on both feet that identify as fingers.

People who are dominant transtoed have the toes on their dominant foot identify as fingers.

People who are non-dominant transtoed have the toes on their non-dominant foot identify as fingers.
Michael Bae can pick things up with his toes like a monkey because he is transtoed.

Daniel Radcliffe is double transtoed because both of his feet have toes that identify as fingers.

Cris Evans is dominant transtoed because only his dominant foot has toes that identify as fingers.

Robert Downey Jr. is non-dominant transtoed because only his non-dominant foot has toes that identify as fingers.
by JmoneyIsDaBest May 21, 2016
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