2 definitions by Jjunderfire

Kyriah is an amazing friend/family member. She has a bad self esteem even though she is beautiful. You could say anything to harm her or hurt her feelings and she will still be your friend she’s an amazing listener and always listens to other peoples problems even though she has her on problems she hides them she is very selfless she cares about everybody else if you know a Kyriah you are the luckiest person alive She is someone you never want to lose and if you do then you have done something majorly bad
Kyriah: oh my God I am so fat

Terry: I know right

The next day
Kyriah: hey terry you look cute today
by Jjunderfire May 25, 2019
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A warming backstabbing bitch that is fake and always will be fake she lies to you and Manipulate you so you are her friend the only reason why she does this is because she’s alone Because all she does is lie and talk bad about her friends
Beth: hey Alexus can we be friends
Alexus: sure
The next day
Alexus: omg Bailey Beth is so ugly and she looks like a 5 thousand pound hippo
by Jjunderfire May 25, 2019
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