3 definitions by Jim Jerka

The act of owning and embracing one's own narcissism.
Judy: "No, you didn't just pull out a vanity mirror from your pocket. You are so narcissistic."

Stan: "Not narcissistic. Narci-tastic. Now hold this mirror for me. Hair this fine takes two hands to fluff."
by Jim Jerka April 13, 2011
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The act of owning and embracing one's own narcissism.
JJ: "Damn right that's a pocket mirror! Now hold it fo' me whiles I fix my hairs."

Boo: "You narcissistic as hell."

JJ: "Bitch, I'm narci-tastic!"
by Jim Jerka April 13, 2011
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The act of sneaking up behind someone while they are seated and draping your penis over their shoulder as stealthily as possible.
She was so engrossed in her magazine article that I sent in the Nosey Elephant to see what was up.
by Jim Jerka February 5, 2013
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