3 definitions by Jen-uh-fur

The act of thinking prior to consuming a food or beverage with consideration given to what it may taste like if vomited.
I have to regurgathink about everything I eat now that morning sickness is in full swing.
by Jen-uh-fur August 17, 2011
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Noun: A new dish created from multiple leftovers that supersede the deliciousness of the original said leftovers... Both homemade and purchased foods can be utilizes for a Newover. Components of a Newover can include a new food item, but the majority of items need to be from leftovers. Also referred to as "kitchen sink cooking"; as in taking everything on hand, except for the kitchen sink and making a meal.
My Newover salad tonight was awesome! My leftover basic iceberg salad from a pizza place + cold homemade fried chicken + some extra veggies I had from yesterday's dinner + honey mustard and vidallia onion dressing = DAMN GOOD EATS!
by Jen-uh-fur August 16, 2011
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The circular shaped rug that is often placed in front of the toilet bowl. It served multiple purposes, such as to keep your feet warm, but it's main function is to catch pee from dribblers.
Man, the pee catch is starting to stink! I better throw it in the washer!
by Jen-uh-fur August 17, 2011
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