3 definitions by Jellavanq La'Kerrigan

When the trailer (or sometimes teaser) is better than the actual movie itself.
Me: did you see Sucker Punch (2011) the movie?
Them: Na, I heard that it was just a trailer movie.
by Jellavanq La'Kerrigan July 10, 2022
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A meaning where your fingers slip to type everyone because you're way too high to do it right. This requires all other words to be legible.
but its true evcerone likes caramel
by Jellavanq La'Kerrigan June 11, 2022
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An individual who is entitled and expects service right up until the last minute of a business' hours. Complains that they don't deserve a wage or tip if service is refused.
Guy ordered a few pizzas a minute before closing. What an asmo.
by Jellavanq La'Kerrigan February 17, 2018
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