32 definitions by Jedi Master Luna

Used by people on the net who think adding ness to lol makes it funnier. They are fools. There are also such things as Lolish and Lolness which are similar in their stupidity.
Most people who use it say they made it up.
Person: Yeah he's so stupid it's hilarious!
Idiot: LOL OOH lolness
by Jedi Master Luna February 3, 2006
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Darth Vader, formally Anakin Skywalker. Turns evil from good, then back again. He's a total kickass.
Was trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Who also kicks ass.
Wears big black suit, scary.
His nickname used to be Ani.
Villian but actually the victim.
The main character in the Star Wars saga.
Palpatine: Lord Vader? Can you hear me?

Darth Vader:*Breaths* Yes Master

Palpatine: Rise.
by Jedi Master Luna February 1, 2006
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The most taleted wizard of all time in the land of Harry Potter.
Harry: Dumbledore is the only man Voldemort was ever afraid of!
by Jedi Master Luna February 3, 2006
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The nickname for Darth Vader before he became Darth Vader!
It's funny, that all the way until he became 'evil' his nickname was Ani. He doesn't really like being called this, it makes him sound 'like a little boy'.
Padme: Ani?

Anakin: ANAKIN! Ani makes me sound like a little boy.
by Jedi Master Luna January 31, 2006
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Dumblesnape is the word for the strange people who ship Dumbledore and Snape. In other words people who think they should be a couple.

Idiot 1: Aww don't you think Dumbledore and Snape would make a great couple!?

Idiot 2: AW yeah! Dumblesnape!
by Jedi Master Luna February 3, 2006
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Another name for Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. It's a nickname that she got from being so quirky.
Peeves:Potter luuuuurves Loony!
by Jedi Master Luna February 3, 2006
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A lightsaber is an amazing and versatile eweapon that is used by a Jedi.In comparison to these, blasters are pathetic.To carry a lightsaber is an example of incredible skill. The blade of a lightsabre can cut through almost anything, except the blade of another one.
They are the best weapons in the universe basically.
Anakin:When I got there we went into aggresive negotiations..

Padme: Aggresive negotiations? What's that?

Anakin: Well, negotiations, with a light saber.
by Jedi Master Luna February 1, 2006
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