3 definitions by JayCeePee

Rhythmic, wet clapping noise made by repeated pounding of the loins against the naked buttocks of another while in the shower.
I walked by the locker room and heard the distinct sound of a Sandusky Slap coming from the shower stalls.
by JayCeePee November 10, 2014
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Shytepoke was used by New England farmers to describe
a large bird of the partridge family that regularly fed on
worms and insects in a manure pile. However it was

used amongst Northern New Englanders derogatorily
to describe a person with less than sanitary habits.
A popular expression:
"He was taken for a shytepoke"
by JayCeePee July 13, 2009
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Soap no longer is the primary sponsor of daytime
serials aimed at women. It is now medicine.

I suggest that Medicine Opera or Pill Opera replace
"Soap Opera"
I would like to get home in time to watch my Pill Opera
by JayCeePee July 20, 2009
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