5 definitions by JarateMaster

When you have played the game 'Subnautica' and have grown a fear to the dunes and crash zone areas of the game due to the reaper leviathans.
'Man after i played subnautica i got reaperlophobia after i went to the crash zone.'
by JarateMaster May 1, 2022
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When you are angry, having a seisure or are jsut an infant and you are near a keyboard. This ins common on the popular children's gaming platform ROBLOX where some people set their username as this or something similar,
'Hey my friend klhj:olpjR@P:HRTj'
'i don't understand him but still he is my bestest friend'
by JarateMaster May 18, 2022
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An uncommon slur people who eat meat (aka bloodmouths in the vegan community) used against vegans who try to enforce veganism onto other people who are not interested in veganism.
ThatVeganTeacher is such a soilmouth.
I still don't understand what you say , but I gotta agree with you on this one.
by JarateMaster May 31, 2022
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Your Favourite Martian (aka YFM)was a band made by Ray William Johnson (who also made Equals Three (=3)) in the early 2010's. This band was immensely popular but slowly fell into anarchy when the animation company they used started to make ridiculous rules for it's creators to follow, Ray eventually switched to a different animation company. Over time they started to make some of their older songs private and eventually went dormant. A couple years later a meme sprung up called 'you're a douche bag' which was a video that consisted of the first few seconds of Your Favourite Martian's music video Mr. Douchebag. Some other things to note is Your Favourite Martian had a spin-off called YFMTS which had 11 episodes in total. After their last music video released Your Favourite Martian changed it's YouTube username to 'THIS PROJECT IS RETIRED'. In mid 2022 Ray William Johnson started making posts about Your Favourite Martian on his personal YouTube account. Later he announced that Your Favourite Martian was returning on June 1st 2022. Many people were ecstatic. Your Favourite Martian's YouTube username changed to 'THIS PROJECT IS REBORN' and Ray announced that one of their Your Favourite Martian songs called 'Orphan Tears' was getting a sequel. Their sequel was made public on March 23rd 2022 as a premiere set to air at 17:00 June 1st 2022.
Have you heard, Your Favourite Martian is getting a reboot called Your Favourite Martian Gen 2.
by JarateMaster May 31, 2022
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A shortened term for the hit web band commonly known as Your Favourite Martian
YFM is a good web band.
by JarateMaster May 31, 2022
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