4 definitions by Jamil

Jamil also known as fat nigger is a very lazy fat person who can never be asked to do anything he is also one of the dirtiest of his kind so if you see one ask them "hey jamil have you had a shower yet"
Hey look it's jamil he really stinks
by Jamil November 22, 2021
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A black man with very bad dress sense and many white female friends.
by Jamil January 9, 2004
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I know he's a nice bloke, he's been buying you drinks all night and he wants to give you a lift home, but you're very drunk and he's a trouser bandit.
by Jamil January 9, 2004
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pure funk, as in, the funk of Parliament -Funkadelic
Knee Deep, Maggot Brain, Cosmic Slop, One Nation, Mothership Connection, etc.
by Jamil February 15, 2004
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