3 definitions by JamesDrennan08

The movie DBZ fans waited for for ten years but were extremely disappointed at how it turned out.
"Dude, Dragonball Evolution succkkkkked"

Friend 1: "Did you see the dbz movie?"
Friend 2: "No."
Friend 1: "Don't."

"What was that at the end? You're supposed to blow back after a Kamehameha, not towards it"
by JamesDrennan08 May 12, 2009
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A shapoopie is a girl that's hard to get. The word was made up by Seth MacFarlane and used in the hit T.V. show Family Guy.
Shapoopie! Shapoopie! The girl who's hard to get. Wow, that girl's such a shapoopie.
by JamesDrennan08 May 12, 2009
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A shapoopi is a girl that's hard to get. The word was made up by Seth MacFarlane and used in the hit T.V. show Family Guy.
Shapoopie! Shapoopie! The girl who's hard to get.

Wow, that girl's such a shapoopi.
by JamesDrennan08 May 15, 2009
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