2 definitions by JRMCD

the act of actively trying to pickup someone on the social networking site facebook
friend 1: Hey whos this girl on your Facebook man?
friend 2: Ohh her, just a book bang in progress

friend 1: Hey is John ever going to get a girlfriend?
friend2: Nah, he just book bangs the girls he meets on facebook.
by JRMCD December 14, 2009
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A combination of "assorted" "goodies" and "refreshments" to be used when referring to food and beverages.

Often used when camping or pic-nic'ing
Hey man, don't forget the cooler, its got all the agoodments in it.

Who wants to go on a pic-nic? I'll bring the agoodments, you bring the blanket and music!
by JRMCD August 12, 2008
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