2 definitions by JPetrelli17

When you comment on a facebook status/post/photo and then loads of other people have conversations or comment complete irrelivent things which you can't be a part of because you either don't know the other people commenting or don't care ( probably the most likely )
Josh " I hate these Inbox Floods , i don't even know these fucking people !!! "


Josh " That poor girl commenting on your status , as the Dons of facebook we gave that bitch a inbox flood !! "

Adam " I know , it's because we care so much "
by JPetrelli17 June 29, 2009
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When you get friendly with a girl who has a boyfriend , so when she breaks up with him you're first in line
Ben - "Dude why aren't you coming to see hannah montana the movie with me? "

Josh - " I would but im going with this girl and I might get Poontang Overlap "

Ben - " Oh thats ok then "

Josh - "Easy"
by JPetrelli17 April 28, 2009
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