2 definitions by JMaxxx

The sort of person whose personality and/or previous actions suggests that they would be likely to masturbate on a bus (or possibly other form of public transport). These people are likely to be sexers
Person #1, "Did you hear that Alex wanked when there were nine other guys asleep in the room?"
Person #2, "Yeah I know, he's a real Bus Pervert."
by JMaxxx July 18, 2008
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1. adjective. Abbreviation of terrible

2. adverb. Abbreviation of terribly

3. adverb. Very when used in a negative sense
1. You almost hit that woman! You're a terri driver

2. Urgh, I stayed out all last night and now I'm terri tired

3. Ohhh, where've you been? You smell terri bad.
by JMaxxx October 3, 2008
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