3 definitions by J. Crow of the LNHN

Commonly used by females, when a woman exclaims "wahaha", they are professing their cravings for the man's sweet lovin whom they have wahahad to. Note: Wahaha does not change meanings when used on txt, IM, internet, or telephone.
Katie: wahaha

Jared: Again? Woman give me a break
by J. Crow of the LNHN June 15, 2009
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The newest member of the LNHN. Loves America. Hates black presidents. Former member of CTU. Known to attack extreme bitches and leftists.

Other members of the LNHN are: Brown Ghetto, Jim Crow, Blazn, and Brotha Lynch Hung.
Mett Lung: I believe capitalism has failed. We should adopt socialism.

Africoon: Well, this is America. We dont do that European socialist shit here. Excuse me well I punch hippies in the face.
by J. Crow of the LNHN June 17, 2009
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To create terrorist attacks on the west in the name of Allah. Targets blacks and gays. May be a closet black and/or gay. Known to many as Brown Ghetto of the LNHN. Others simply call Rohans 'sand niggers'
Rohan: Death to the west....

The West: Shut up you sand nigger. Don't want you brown people around anymore. Go entertain yourself with a rope and a black.
by J. Crow of the LNHN June 15, 2009
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