12 definitions by J-rad

A word used by Teabaggers to describe any government policy which actually helps people in need or contributes to the public good. It is pronounced the same as the word socialism, but is always spelled phonetically and in ALL CAPS.

Note that SOSHULIZUM is not the same thing as socialism or social democracy. It is meant to be representative of the attitudes of conservatives that any government spending which helps lower unemployment or contributes to the rebuilding of the economy is somehow a handout.
SOSHULIZUM includes: food stamps, unemployment insurance, any sort of public healthcare or health insurance, public works projects, and public transportation. Depending on who you talk to, it can also include public education and environmental protection.

SOSHULIZUM does not include: military expenditures (even those which are unnecessary), prisons, the War on Drugs, tax cuts for corporations or wealthy individuals, or bribes paid to foreign officials in the form of "foreign aid".
by J-rad May 9, 2011
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Income tax is a tax on the income of a person or corporation. In the United States, it is usually collect at both the state and federal level; however, there are a few states which do not currently tax personal income.

The abover definition is completely false, because the federal income tax doesn't discriminate between sources of income from government occupations and private labor. See e.g. 26 U.S.C. § 61. Otherwise, how would the federal government be able to fund its operations?
Tax protestors and other fringe lunatic types make all kinds of specious, pseudo-legal arguments to try to avoid paying the income tax. They put their own idiosyncratic spin on the laws to try to defend their actions. The IRS and the federal courts don't appreciate this, and usually fine them out the ass for their frivolous litigation
by J-rad January 7, 2007
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1. In engineering, the margin of error of a particular structure or process.

2. In medicine and pharmacology, the situation in which an individual requires larger and larger doses of a drug in order to get the same physical or mental effects.

3. In sociology and politics, the act of treating others as equals, despite the fact that those others do not share your beliefs or differ in how they live their lives.
1. The engineer had be careful in designing the oil refining process, because he had to work within very tight tolerances.

2. It is possible for a patient to build tolerance to antidepressants, painkillers, and other drugs, requiring a prescription for a larger dose.

3. Tolerance means that I must not resort to violence or slander against a person with whom I disagree. It does not mean that I have to support or agree with your beliefs, regardless of what the radical left has to say about it.
by J-rad March 2, 2008
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Slang term for the law school course commonly referred to as Trusts & Estates (or Wills & Trusts in some areas).
Gifts and Stiffs is a useful class, but it isn't much fun, and it can be boring sometimes.
by J-rad January 9, 2007
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An "upgrade" to a product or service, which, while intended to be an enhancement or improvement, actually renders that product or service less useful or valuable than it previously was.

The word can be used as a noun. Its verb form is "to dehance". Its adjective form is "dehanced" (see below).
The most common example of dehancements are in the software industry. For example, the 2008 edition of Microsoft Word was dehanced. It is more difficult to navigate through screens and commands, and in general much less effective than earlier versions.
by J-rad December 15, 2008
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