3 definitions by Insomniagirl

The ability or talent to completely forget about work related projects or topics overnight or weekends. This can also come in handy if an error is made at work.
I have complete worknesia after 5:00 on Friday.... Don't ask me anything work related. I have no idea what you're talking about.. Ask me on Monday.
by Insomniagirl April 4, 2016
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A tropical, fun filled vacation to the Caribbean, South America or even Miami Florida where there's a slight chance that a zika spreading mosquito might bite you causing illness.
"Have a great time in Rio! Hope your zikation is awesome - don't forget your mosquito net!"
by Insomniagirl August 5, 2016
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The act of killing an extremely loud snoring person. This is usually done by nudging, pushing, kicking and loudly sighing the person to death.
"This is clearly a case of snoricide. He died as a result of futile efforts to get him to wake up and stop snoring. At times attempts to get him to wake up included kicking, poking, jumping on the bed and loudly sighing 'wake-up and stop snoring dammit!' to no avail. The outcome was inevitable."
by Insomniagirl February 22, 2013
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