10 definitions by Insert name here
an extremely loose and saggy twat that can best be compared to a wet taco that was purchased from a shady street food vendor
i went out with heather last night and when i tried feel her up my hand sunk into her gaping taco and after that it was pretty awkward, i think i should block her number bro
by Insert name here March 11, 2015
A snizz cock is a derogatory term used to describe a guy that has fucked one of your ex girlfriends to purposly piss you off
Yo fuckin mike is a total snizz cock! We all saw him boning rebecca in the tgi fridays parking lot two days after john broke up with her.
I cant believe jamal would snizz cock monica the same day we broke up. Thought i could trust that nigga
I cant believe jamal would snizz cock monica the same day we broke up. Thought i could trust that nigga
by Insert name here March 24, 2015
A sac thrust is when you squeeze your nuts together and insert them directly into your partners snatch
So i gave jessica the deepest sac thrust last night. My balls are fukin sore but it was totally worth it
Yo next time that bitch steps outta line give her a good sac thrust and set her straight. No bitch gonna give you lip after your nuts gap her shit wide open
Yo next time that bitch steps outta line give her a good sac thrust and set her straight. No bitch gonna give you lip after your nuts gap her shit wide open
by Insert name here March 24, 2015
When one male hovers above another, spreads his ass and projectile sprays taco shit all over the recipents face
by Insert name here March 24, 2015
a girl whose teeth resemble those of a jagged great white shark
hey, Mike watch out on your date tonight with Kayla, i heard that bitch is so raggletoothed she would slice clean through your dick before you even knew what hit ya
hey, Mike watch out on your date tonight with Kayla, i heard that bitch is so raggletoothed she would slice clean through your dick before you even knew what hit ya
hey, mike watch out on your date tonight with Kayla; I heard that bitch is so raggle toothed she would slice clean through your dick like a shark on a seals ass
by Insert name here March 11, 2015
A new type of sex act where one takes his cock after anal and smears a smily face on the recipients ass cheeks
Yo i gave nicole such a fecal smear last night, that girl needs to lay off the taco bell for awhile. There was such much shit i could have made a shit rainbow on her back
by Insert name here March 13, 2015
Concise, eloquent, exact. The language of poets.
As opposed to common belief, not a dead language, but still exerting great linguistic influence over modern languages and actively used in, not only the field of academia such as medicine and taxonomy, but also legal circles and the republic of Vatican. Latin is playfully utilized in contemporary art, e.g. in translating children's classics or in the lyrics of such artists as for example Enigma.
Valid reasons for encouraging the teaching of Latin in schools: Latin develops analytical and linguistic abilities and provides insight into the roots of modern Western culture.
As opposed to common belief, not a dead language, but still exerting great linguistic influence over modern languages and actively used in, not only the field of academia such as medicine and taxonomy, but also legal circles and the republic of Vatican. Latin is playfully utilized in contemporary art, e.g. in translating children's classics or in the lyrics of such artists as for example Enigma.
Valid reasons for encouraging the teaching of Latin in schools: Latin develops analytical and linguistic abilities and provides insight into the roots of modern Western culture.
Gaius Valerius Catullus:
Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. Nescio, sed fieri sentio, et excrucior.
Nuntii Latini - a compilation of news in Latin (by Finnish Latin scholars), updated frequently.
Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. Nescio, sed fieri sentio, et excrucior.
Nuntii Latini - a compilation of news in Latin (by Finnish Latin scholars), updated frequently.
by Insert name here April 26, 2005