1 definition by Iloveyouforever818

At first when you meet him he’s quiet, he seems like he has a lot on his mind or he just may seem like a quiet person, but let me tell you, once Yonatan gets comfortable with you it’s like a whole different person. I’m lucky I got to see a side of him that not many others seen. He told me only I brought that out of him. Of course, either he made me feel that’s special or I was to him. I had never had a man be so freaking romantic. Sure I’ve had guys buy me flowers, take me to eat, and buy me gifts here and there, but when time goes on usually guys slowly stop being romantic but with him he never stopped the sweet gestures. He was just sooo loving and caring. He would buy me cards and write me letters on there, buy me flowers every two weeks, take me to the best restaurants, take me to the beach as much as he can, love me passionately, and just love me that best way I have ever been loved. If this sounds familiar, send me a text. Actually you’re still blocked but just know you're the best man I have ever came across and I still think you’re amazing.
Did you see Yonatan and his girlfriend riding bikes?
Yes dude, he is so romantic.
by Iloveyouforever818 January 31, 2020
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