4 definitions by Ihatecats

a cat who be treated like a wife she’s annoying and take all the attention
Jumin: look at Elizabeth 3rd she’s full of beauty

Zen: OMG I’m gonna vomit

by Ihatecats June 17, 2020
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Do you ever try to write something, but words can't fully justify it? I'm writing about you, but I don't think anything I could put down on paper could fully express how much of a positive impact you've made on me. When I came to college I had no one. I needed a friend, one that would not judge me even with all the flaws I have; you are that friend. I expressed myself as the person I really am, and you accepted me. For that, I am forever grateful. Of all the people I've met here at college, you are one of the ones I am the most comfortable around. And in the few days we've had together, you became the best friend I could ever ask for. You're an intelligent, remarkable, beautiful girl. And I love you. Please always remember that.
by Ihatecats August 31, 2012
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also known as a man hug. when two friends hug, no homo
Joe: hey man long time no see
Tim: ya my cat died
Joe: Come here man time for a menbrace
by Ihatecats July 6, 2010
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