1 definition by Ibn#2489

Ibn is a very handsome young man that is very friendly(most of the time) and loves to joke around with his friends! His favourite anime is Attack on Titan, and is an average height for a person his age( i think). He is taller than levi, and supposedly looks like him, or maybe eren.
His chad friends consist of the following:
Khaled: Big nose / Sheep
Fatin: Mushroom Daddy
Humza: Homer Simpson
Ibi C: qt
Hassan: Damn have you seen Ibn with his cool friends! I'd love to hang out with them.
Fatin: Ibn you look more handsome today
Humza: Ibn let's have some fun ;)
Khaled: WOW, i just realised that Ibn is taller than Levi
Ibi C: Cutie
by Ibn#2489 March 12, 2022
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