1 definition by ILoveThisGirl

A truly ethereal being who possesses the distinctive ability to display both mischievous and innocent qualities and/or beauty which can only be ascribed to Jewish Magic. (see def).
Known for her unique qualities of spontaneity, feistiness, thoughtful consideration, entrepreneurial success and intellectual prowess, this rare gem surpasses all others with her astonishing beauty, her fierce love and devotion to others and her witty humor. While some may say she lacks in size, others agree she's absolutely perfect in every way imaginable. Sensual and delicious-no doubt. Creates intoxicating bliss in those whose lips are kissed.

She appears regularly with her partner in crime on the popular reality series, Shit Show, which has increased ratings (and revenue) in the last year with rumors to continue steadfast for decades to come. Deannah is known by all who encounter her, as a never-ending source of comedy and playfulness, usually at her own expense.
deannah angel unique drop dead gorgeous
There is only one Deannah in this world and I love loving her.

Person 1: That girl is ALWAYS right!
Person 2: Well is her name Deannah?
Person 1: Yeah, actually it is!
Person 2: Well, there you go.

Deannah, "Shut that damn door! It's freezing!"
by ILoveThisGirl April 15, 2015
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