3 definitions by IAmGlenCoco

A very creepy guy. The kind of sleazy, dirty guy who is probably a druggie, likely has a criminal record, and shamelessly hits on anything with a vagina in the rudest way possible.
Creeper: Hey! You girls are looking fine. I could take all three of you in bed.
You: Ew, what a roach.
by IAmGlenCoco February 27, 2010
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To play somebody, or to be played.
Girl: So I was dating this guy, but it turned out he had three other girlfriends and a fiance.
Friend: Bummer. You just got frakintized.

Dude: Who was that chick?
Friend: Just some girl I'm frakintizing.
by IAmGlenCoco April 12, 2010
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Someone who has awful body odor or disgustingly strong cologne. Used to warn others without offending the smelly person.
*smelly guy with long hair is standing in front of you*
"Hey guys, Bob alert."
by IAmGlenCoco February 6, 2010
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